Updated 12/19/24

The members of the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund wish to express their condolences to the family of Ray Fiorentino.  As a veteran himself, Ray realized the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by the 106 individuals that the Park honors. Ray served on the KMPPF Board for many years and, during that time, was instrumental in soliciting funds for numerous projects to maintain and beautify the Park.

He enjoyed attending Veterans Day and Memorial Day Ceremonies in the Park – particularly those that enabled him to interact with students.  We will always remember Ray for his patriotism and dedication.

Happy Holidays from The Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund Board

Richard M. Kemper Memorial Park featured in Mamaroneck Schools Curriculum Matters Podcast

Part 2 below

This inaugural recording looks backwards to go forward. Dr. Jeffrey Moore, Ass't Superintendent of Curriculum Development leads a compelling conversation with members of the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund (Jan Northrup, Bruce Northrup, Mary Cronin and John Esposito), the Village of Mamaroneck Historian (John Pritts) , and two MHS seniors (Catlin Solis and Zoe Stahl) who are participants in the school's Original Civic Research and Action Project (OCRA).   The group explore the history of The Kemper Memorial Park, its significance to Mamaroneck and surrounding communities, and the meaningful ways in which it connects with curriculum past and present.

The conversation was so rich that it's been divided it into three parts.  The first episode was released on Veteran's Day.

The Archway Project Update

Fifth Graders Write Letters to Our Veterans 

This year fifth graders wrote 80 letters to our veterans. Bruce Northrup, board member and Treasurer of the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund, distributed the letters on Veterans Day to American Legion Post 90, American Legion Post 347 and the VFW.

The letters came from the 4 fifth grade classes at Murray Avenue School. The teachers Alison Kelly, Aliciane Elkins, Michelle O’Connell and Ethan Rivel coordinated the activity.  As Mr. Rivel noted,  “We discussed the meaning of Veterans Day and ways we can honor the veterans. Writing letters and cards were our way of saying thank you!”

Our veterans warmly welcomed the letters and were very appreciative of the thoughtful letters the students shared.

Bruce  Northrup distributing the students' letters
(Click photos to enlarge)

  Al Bender and Skip Donohue (middle) of the American Legion Post 347

Frank Maresca
of the VFW and American Legion Post 90 

Tom Ayers
of the VFW

Spotlight on MHS Senior Bella Pianko 

The Board is pleased to share a video entitled, "The Heroes that Protect Us," by Mamaroneck High School senior Bella Pianko.   Click the link below to view her documentary.  You can learn more about Bella by clicking here.  

The History of the Richard M. Kemper Memorial Park

2012-2018 Update

An Overview

Timeline of Events

See more information by clicking The Park tab above